BenQ BL2400PT: цены характеристики фото где купить

Монитор benq bl2400pt glossy black

Stand and ergonomics

BenQ’s stand starts with a solid, high grip rectangular base and extrudes into a curved trapezoidal neck. It has a cable management clip on the rear, and a button that unlocks the height adjustment. What height adjustment too! If you’ve found that no matter which monitor you buy you always end up putting books underneath to prop it up, this is the monitor for you — the base of the bezel at its highest extent is 203mm off the desk.

Swivel, tilt and 90° pivot are supported too, although the monitor tends to wobble quite a bit after each adjustment.

BenQ’s stand allows the panel to be set incredibly high. (Credit: Craig Simms/CBS Interactive)


Greyscale gradients were flawless, with only test 4a in the pixel walk tests flickering.

Image tests
Contrast Sharpness Gamma Black level White saturation Gradient
Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Inversion pixel walk tests
Test 1 Test 2a Test 2b Test 3 Test 4a Test 4b Test 5 Test 6a Test 6b Test 7a Test 7b
Pass Pass Pass Pass Flicker Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Colour accuracy
ΔE is the measurement of how far a measured colour deviates from its expected value, allowing us to determine the colour accuracy of a monitor. While a ΔE value of one is considered perceivable, as long as it’s less than three the shift shouldn’t be too obvious. HCFR was used to determine ΔE for the monitor.

Measured levels (sRGB mode)
Contrast ratio 2168:1
Black level (cd/m²) 0.10
White level (cd/m²) 216.83
Gamma 1.95
Greyscale ΔE
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
98.5 13.4 10.3 9.1 9.3 9.7 10.3 11.0 10.8 10.8 11.7
Colour ΔE (compared to sRGB)
Red Green Blue Yellow Cyan Magenta
21.9 19.1 7.6 15.0 14.9 19.1

Yep, that’s pretty bad. (Screenshot by CBS Interactive)

As expected for an affordable monitor, the colours are way off. Let’s see what we can do to rectify the situation.

Measured levels (Standard mode)
Contrast ratio 1584:1
Black level (cd/m²) 0.10
White level (cd/m²) 158.35
Gamma 2.2
Greyscale ΔE
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
99.4 8.3 3.4 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.5 1.7 0.9
Colour ΔE (compared to sRGB)
Red Green Blue Yellow Cyan Magenta
12.1 15.3 5.3 9.9 9.0 10.5

A lot better. This is likely all we can do here, there are no further colour control options available considering the price. (Screenshot by CBS Interactive)

Viewing angles
Viewing angles were taken with a Canon 40D in spot metering mode, with only shutter time adjusted to obtain a good exposure.

While it doesn’t have as wide viewing angles as IPS panels, VA has a decent picture and deeper blacks. It tends to get lighter as you move off axis. (Credit: Craig Simms/CBS Interactive)

Backlight uniformity
Backlight uniformity was measured by placing HCFR into free measure mode, displaying a completely white image and recording the brightness along a 5×3 grid on the screen. This should be considered a guide only, as backlight uniformity is likely to change from unit to unit.

The BL2400PT follows the expected uniformity pattern. (Credit: Craig Simms/CBS Interactive)

Light bleed
The BL2400PT suffered from small, faint light bleed in each corner. It’s small enough that unless you have a purely black screen, you’re unlikely to notice it, and even then you’ll have to be paying attention.

It’s important to note that the effects of light bleed will likely change from monitor to monitor, regardless of make.

All measurements, screen brightness and contrast were set to 100 per cent, and a test image displayed.

Juice Box
Maximum power draw 27W
Power-saving mode <1W
Off <1W

BenQ’s baby is quite energy efficient indeed, even without its extra power-saving features.

Buttons and on-screen display (OSD)

BenQ has again opted to not put buttons on the face, making its monitor harder to use. This time it’s under the lip, with the labels particularly difficult to read. Button positioning is not greatly intuitive, but you get used to it after some time. Shortcuts are in action here: if you press the Enter button when not in a menu it cycles inputs, the Right button cycles scaling modes, the Left button is for colour modes. There’s also an Auto button, which attempts to tune the monitor to the best settings when using a VGA connector, to knock out those analog kinks.

The labels don’t get any easier to read, even with the real thing. (Credit: Craig Simms/CBS Interactive)

C’mon BenQ, just put the buttons on the front (practicality before aesthetics). To the left you can see a weedy speaker. (Credit: Craig Simms/CBS Interactive)

Custom colour settings aside, the OSD is easy enough to use, but the buttons make it harder than it needs to be. (Credit: Craig Simms/CBS Interactive)

The menu offers sRGB, Photo, Movie, Standard and Eco modes — as usual we suggest you stick with sRGB or Standard. The BenQ offers full screen and aspect ratio scaling options, but disappointingly doesn’t offer 1:1 pixel mapping. It does, however, allow you to turn overscan on or off, if you happen to have a movie player hooked up to it. We’d usually expect this for an HDMI enabled screen, but looks like BenQ is being hopeful that someone will have a DisplayPort enabled console or Blu-ray player. AMA can be turned on or off too: this is BenQ’s response time accelerator. If you find things are tearing during games, you can turn it off to help get a more consistent image. In practice, games look significantly better with it on: without it, we found blurriness and ghosting to be present.

The usual sharpness, gamma, colour, brightness, contrast and dynamic contrast are here, with particular options only being available when you’re operating in a particular mode.

Apart from the step-away-from-the-monitor tech mentioned in the second paragraph, BenQ introduces one other piece of tech: Eye Protect. This feature will pop a message on the screen reminding you to rest your eyes, and can be set to a minimum of 20 minutes, all the way up to 100 minutes, and the message can nag for five seconds all the way up to 25 if you need extra coaxing to go outside. One thing of note that hindered our calibration process: you’ll need to turn off Eye Protect if you want to adjust brightness. Even though the OSD allows you to still change the setting, this won’t be reflected on screen at all.

Монитор BenQ со светодиодной подсветкой — BL2400PT

23.09.2010 19:03

Slayer Moon

SocButtons v1.5

Зачастили к нам в гости мониторы, интересно — сколько же их было выпущено за всю историю компьютерной индустрии ? Вот бы посмотреть список с названием, годом выпуска и характеристиками (и ценой!). Может кто-нибудь, когда-нибудь это и сделает. А сейчас речь о новинке от BenQ — BL2400PT с LED-подсветкой.

Девайс совмещает в себе 24 дюймовую VA панель с антибликовым покрытием и как я уже говорил, LED подсветку. Стоит отойти от монитора надолго, как Eco Sensor автоматом переведёт устройство в режим пониженного энергопотребления Eco Mode, «фича» интересная, но новой её уже давно нельзя назвать.

Разрешение экрана — 1920х1080 пикселей, время отклика — 8мс (g2g), статическая контрастность — 3000 к одному, а динамическая — 20 миллионов к одному, яркость — 250 кандел на квадратный метр. В корпус «моника» встроены два 1 ваттных динамика, рекомендую их сразу отключить (вернее не подключать к звуковухе), дабы не убить уши некачественным звуком. Видеовходы — DisplayPort, DVI и D-Sub.

Благодаря особой конструкции подставки, монитор можно крутить и вертеть, как угодно, подробности на фото ниже.

BL2400PT от BenQ

На новинку можно оформить предварительный заказ. BL2400PT обойдётся в 240 евро.

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Основные характеристики Мониторы BL2400PT Glossy Black

Основные характеристики
Цвет глянцево-черный
Размер 24 дюйм
Максимальное разрешение 1920×1080
Серия бизнес
Светодиодная (LED) подсветка Есть
EAN, штрих код 0840046022228, 4718755023835
Частота горизонтальной развертки 30-83 кГц
Частота вертикальной развертки 50-76 Гц
Полоса пропускания 205 МГц
Размеры 579x420x220 мм
Вес 6.20 кг
Поворот на 90 градусов Есть
Регулировка по высоте Есть
Динамическая контрастность 20000000:1
Контрастность 3000:1
Время отклика 8 мс
Область обзора по горизонтали: 178°; по вертикали: 178°
Яркость 250 кд/м2
Шаг точки по горизонтали 0.276 мм
Шаг точки по вертикали 0.276 мм
Покрытие экрана антибликовое
Антибликовое покрытие Есть
Вход VGA Есть
Количество входов VGA 1
Вход DVI Есть
Тип DVI DVI-D x1
Поддержка HDCP в DVI-интерфейсе Есть
Выход на наушники Есть
Блок питания встроенный
Потребляемая мощность при работе 42 Вт
Калибровка цвета Есть
Стереоколонки Есть
Цветовая температура Reddish; Normal; Bluish
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