Новые телевизоры Sony W829
В следующем месяце компания Sony начнет продавать модификацию представленного на выставке CES 2014 (подробнее о мероприятии) телевизора Sony W805. Новая модель Sony W829 – это Full HD LED телевизор с системой боковой подсветки, который имеет такие же характеристики, за исключением того, что система Motionflow XR400 заменена на XR800.
Дизайн также изменяется, Sony использует здесь классический дизайн серии R4 2013 года и предлагает W829 без локального затемнения и без Triluminos, но с процессором X-Reality Pro и с системой компенсации динамических искажений Motionflow XR800.
Очевидно, сохраняются такие особенности 2013 года, как совместимость с устройствами с технологией NFC, для передачи данных напрямую с одного устройства на другое, минуя сети. Есть Side View и SimulView (возможность играть в полноэкранном режиме для двух игроков, используя специальные очки), интерфейс HDMI с поддержкой технологии MHL.
Из остальных возможностей можно отметить новый визуальный интерфейс 2014 года, обычные функции с доступом к интернет-порталу SEN с сотнями приложений, игр, радио, IPTV, видео и музыкальных сервисов, социальными сетями, и т.д. Что касается мультимедийных возможностей, они были во многом усовершенствованы уже прошлом году, с возможностью воспроизведения DTS в MKV, 1080p даже из домашней сети, и кажется, что в этом году эти возможности стали еще шире, особенно с точки зрения чтения аудио форматов (ALAC, AIFF, FLAC и др.).
Технические характеристики Sony W829:
- Edge LED TV 1080p, без локального затемнения
- Метод вставки черного кадра для повышения динамической контрастности (плохие результаты в 2013 году, мы надеемся на прогресс …)
- Процессор X-Reality Pro с обработкой Reality Creation
- Motionflow XR800
- Активная 3D технология
- Аудиосистема Bass Reflex
- Аудио S-Force Front Surround 3D
- Копирование на экране телевизора дисплеев смартфона и планшета через Wi-Fi, совместимость с NFC, Live Football и Photo share
- SideView и SimulView (игра для двух игроков на полном экране)
- Новый визуальный интерфейс
- Sony Entertainment Network с сотнями приложений, прошедших телепередач, новый портал, мультимедийный плеер для воспроизведения через USB
- Wi-Fi и Wi-Fi Direct, DLNA
- Интерфейс HDMI совместим с MHL, возвратный аудиоканал, Deep Color, 3D
- Воспроизведение через USB: DivX Plus HD, MKV (с DTS и AC3), AVI, TS, M2TS, FLAC, MP3, РКК, AIFF
- Пульт One Flick опционально.
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Главная страница > Новости > Новинки > Новые телевизоры Sony W829
Smart TV features
Sony’s smart TV portal has had a design overhaul, and the new slick and mature-looking interface on the 50W829B is far simpler and more intuitive to use than before.
There’s no flashiness or clunkiness – it’s a great design.
Sony’s Music and Video Unlimited services are found in separate Music and Movies tabs, where you can preview 30 seconds of a song or watch a film trailer before buying.
There’s a decent selection of apps in the My Apps panel, including BBC iPlayer, Demand 5 (no ITV Player or 4oD yet), Amazon Instant/LoveFilm, YouTube and Netflix.
Allowing for the slight drop in detail definition, streamed videos still retain the Sony’s great colour balance and contrast.
As long as your network connection is steady, watching on-demand content is a breeze on the 50W829B.
It’s worth keeping in mind that the Sony’s picture settings will automatically change when watching online content (whether iPlayer or YouTube) to smooth out the noise and motion issues that inevitably crop up when watching streamed content.
Antisocial tweets
The same can’t be said for Social View. This is Sony’s new Twitter implementation that pours tweets across the bottom of the screen; you’re given the choice of a smaller non-obscured image with Tweets below, or a larger image with overlap. Social View can automatically lift the name of a TV show as a search term and find related messages. You can alternatively customise the search with your own phrase or word.
The implementation of Social View is a bit clunky to be honest, and we remain unconvinced that moving social media from a personal second screen to the main communal living room screen is beneficial. In many ways it’s actually antisocial. It does, however, look quite slick.
Another new feature worth kicking around is the Football mode. While its introduction smacks of world cup gimmickry, Sony insists the feature has long-term appeal. The mode is basically a DSP audio treatment that sets out to create greater ambiance. Stadium crowd noise is teased out to create wider soundstage. The feature also allows users to easily browse content on the FIFA website and watch YouTube footie clips.
Smartphone integration is accomplished. A Screen Mirroring function allows whatever’s on a mobile phone to be sent via Miracast to the larger screen. This proves to be a fun, easy way to share images, video clips or websites.
50 дюймов, Freeview HD, DVB-S2, разрешение 1,920×1,080, 3D: да, 4x HDMI
В этом обзоре мы протестировали 50-дюймовую модель в диапазоне W829, но она также доступна в 42-дюймовом (KDL-42W829B) и 55-дюймовом (KDL-55W829B) размерах экрана. Все модели имеют идентичные характеристики, за исключением их размеров и энергопотребления. Мы уверены, что качество изображения будет практически одинаковым во всем диапазоне.
Sony W829 — один из первых телевизоров 2014 года от Sony, который представлен здесь с размером экрана 50 дюймов. Возможно, это не флагманская модель, но в ней есть все функции, которые мы ожидаем от нее, включая обновленный интерфейс SEN Smart TV и невероятно минималистичный дизайн, который позорит другие телевизоры.
Когда мы первоначально смотрели на него, W829 стоил 1000 фунтов стерлингов, но поскольку Sony была одной из первых в 2014 году, теперь вы можете купить ее значительно дешевле. [a href = «http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/tv-dvd-blu-ray/televisions/large-screen-tvs-32-and-over/sony-bravia-kdl50w829bbu-smart-3d -50-led-tv-with-htct60bt-soundbar-10009231-pdt.html «] Currys в настоящее время продает 50-дюймовую модель со встроенной звуковой панелью за 739 фунтов стерлингов, что делает ее чем-то вроде сделки — даже по сравнению с более новые наборы от подобных Samsung, Panasonic и LG.
Фактически, Sony пошла на такие меры, что удалила внутреннюю схему питания, чтобы сделать ее как можно более тонкой, выбрав вместо этого внешний адаптер питания. Это замечательно, если вы планируете настенный монтаж телевизора, так как он будет располагаться намного ближе к стене, чем другие модели. Минимальная рамка, металлические края и тонкий синий светодиод активности (который также служит точкой соприкосновения для соединений ближней радиосвязи (NFC)) создают впечатление премиального набора.
Тонкий дизайн оставляет меньше места для динамиков, но W829 делает впечатляющую работу с двумя драйверами 8W. Они производят чистый звук и даже создают небольшое количество баса. Звук может легко заполнить комнату небольшого или среднего размера. Однако их можно отодвинуть слишком далеко, поэтому мы рекомендуем оставаться ниже 70% от максимума, чтобы избежать возможных искажений.
W829, конечно, не экономит на портах подключения. Имеется четыре входа HDMI, а также SCART, композитное и компонентное видео, цифровой оптический звук, Ethernet, слот Common Interface, спутниковые и антенные входы и два порта USB. Их можно использовать для воспроизведения мультимедийных файлов с флэш-накопителя или записи телепередач на внешний жесткий диск; мы смогли воспроизвести все наши тестовые файлы, включая DivX и MKV.
Также легко найти и воспроизвести ваши файлы. Система SEN Smart TV от Sony всегда была одной из самых привлекательных, даже несмотря на то, что она не всегда предоставляла такое же количество услуг по наверстыванию или по запросу, как у других производителей, и в 2014 году компания еще больше улучшила ситуацию. Утонченный пользователь Интерфейс действительно использует разрешение Full HD с гораздо меньшими, но четкими шрифтами, значками и изображениями. Это позволяет разместить на экране значительно больше информации за один раз, поэтому вам не нужно прокручивать длинные списки или несколько страниц контента, чтобы найти конкретное приложение или канал. Это также очень отзывчиво, без ожидания между нажатием кнопки и изменениями, вступающими в силу на экране.
К сожалению, видео по запросу все еще немного ограничено; вы, по крайней мере, получаете BBC iPlayer и Demand 5 для телевидения догоняющего типа, а также Netflix и Amazon Instant Video (ранее LoveFilm) для фильмов и шоу в США, но нет проигрывателя 4oD или ITV. Однако собственные сервисы Sony Video & Music Unlimited позволяют сбалансировать это.
Пользовательский интерфейс сильно влияет на время запуска, при этом телевизор практически не отвечает в течение первых 30 секунд после включения из режима ожидания. Это хорошо, если вы не забыли установить канал или вход, когда вы в последний раз выключали его, но это расстраивает, когда вы хотите посмотреть Blu-ray или играть в игру, но не можете переключить входы с другого бесконечного повтора Top Gear на Дэйв на полминуты Sony подправила это поведение в недавнем обновлении программного обеспечения, позволяя вам быстро переключаться между активными входами с помощью пульта ДУ, не дожидаясь, пока все запустится, — приятное улучшение, но все еще отстает от конкурентов.
Control app
While we’re more likely to use the remote for changing volume and channels, Sony’s TV SideView control app (free for iOS and Android) is worth downloading for the useful electronic programme guide.
It lets you browse and select programmes on your smart device instead of pulling up the screen-hogging EPG on the 50W829B. The app itself has had a lick of paint since we last encountered it.
It looks smarter, with the remote section logical and easy to use.
What else can you do with the app? Get show and cast information, set recording times, change inputs, select on-demand services, and even get suggestions for related content.
It’s nice to use, especially when viewed on a tablet’s larger screen (smartphone view is restrictive).
Picture quality
Good looks are more than welcome, but it’s with picture quality that the KDL-50W829B really earns its stripes. It has a smooth, clear and detailed picture.
The highlight is a well judged colour balance that looks natural and realistic, especially with skin tones, although newer rivals are now better in this regard.
Black levels are impressively dark for an LCD set, and subtle too, although the clean whites could have a touch more punch.
Play a Blu-ray of Rush, and the Sony’s picture is crisp without looking unnaturally sharp.
It digs up layers of detail, with rich and vibrant hues going hand-in-hand with subtle gradations of colour.
The glossy reds of the F1 cars, the clear blue skies over the circuit, the blacks and greys of the worn-down tyres and machinery – even accounting for the 70s filter, it’s a subtle and exciting picture.
Poor viewing angles were a big issue with some Sony screens last year, but the 50W829B’s picture shows fewer signs of fading when seen from an angle.
The picture remains bright and punchy, and black levels don’t go grey at the slightest hint of off-axis viewing.
Those deep black levels don’t sacrifice too much detail, either – we found them proficient enough to be compared to our current favourite 50in screen, the Panasonic TX-P50GT60B.
These benefits remain for standard-definition broadcast channels and DVDs.
The natural hues in the film Stoker are conveyed beautifully, although that discrepancy with white levels is a touch more apparent.
However, the Sony’s picture looks slightly subdued next to the new Samsung UE48H6400 – the Samsung’s 48in screen is just that bit sharper around the edges, more proficient when it comes to rendering vivid reds and skin tones.
It’s worth taking time to set up the Sony’s picture, preferably armed with a THX Optimizer disc.
We’d advise turning all noise filters and processing modes off when first setting up the screen, and then tweaking as and when you see fit.
Setting noise reduction to low and playing with the ‘Reality Creation’ setting is as far as we got before we found we were messing with the Sony’s naturally brilliant screen too much.
There are a couple of scene modes to experiment with, the ‘Cinema’ mode (MotionFlow set to ‘TrueCinema’, Film Mode on ‘Auto’, surround sound on) proving to be the best effect while retaining a natural look.
It adds a touch of warmth, boosting the punch of white areas, and the picture looks glossy and smooth with Blu-ray films.
If first impressions were all it took, this Sony would be a winner the second we unboxed it. Sleek and slender with its metal edges, slim stand and subtly glowing logo, this is a smart-looking set.
The barely-there bezel surrounding the edge-lit-LED LCD screen makes the set look a lot smaller than its 50 inches, but we like that the focus is all on the screen.
It’s a sturdily built and stable set and, at 14kg, quite light too.
You can get this Sony TV in a different finish as well. The Sony KDL-50W815B has a silver bezel instead of a black one, and aside from that it’s identical to the 50W829B in every other aspect.
The KDL-50W815B is available to buy at John Lewis and Sony Centres for the same price
Embracing minimalist design
Design wise, the 2014 W8 is unapologetically minimalist. A black, ultra-slim, brushed aluminium bezel provides just enough contrast to set off the image – black always works better in this regard than silver or grey – and the pedestal itself is thin and mirrored.
14 tips for getting the best picture quality from your TV
Connectivity is generous. There are four HDMIs with support for both ARC (that single reciprocal soundbar connection) and wired mobile phone standard MHL, plus component and phono AV inputs, not to mention SCART. The set also offers two USBs, one of which allows shows to be time-shifted to an external hard drive. In addition to an Ethernet port there’s also integrated Wi-Fi.
The supplied remote control is a stock IR zapper. It does the job, but that’s about all you can say about it.
Sound quality
The 50W829B doesn’t have the higher series’ Wedge design that allows for larger speakers, but it still sounds pretty decent.
The presentation is fairly smooth and clean, and is a more rounded, weighty affair than the harsh, tinny sound we’ve come to loathe on flatscreen TVs.
We found the Sony TV’s speakers perfectly acceptable to listen to when watching Freeview channels, although the voices could be a little more distinct and direct.
Turning the Sound Booster on brings voices forward, but it also makes the sound a little boomy.
The auto surround option does attempt to create a sense of surround sound, and Sony has the unusual offer of an external wireless subwoofer that can be set up with a USB dongle.
If you want an involving cinema experience though, we would advise you to invest in a soundbar or soundbase, if not a full 5.1 surround speaker package.
Sony 50W829: Design and Features
The 50W829 is a 50-inch TV – but it doesn’t look it. Unlike many of the models further up the brand’s new range, the Sony 50W829 doesn’t have huge front-firing speakers down its sides, or a wedge shape adding bulk to its rear. In fact, its bezel is almost unfeasibly narrow. Its rear is very slim too, except for a chunk a couple of inches high at the bottom where its speakers reside.
The bezel sports a pleasing metallic finish on its outer edges, and the low metal stand has been designed to be as minimal as possible, supporting the set on a simple curved metal strip barely a cm thick.
While the impressive sleekness of the 50W829’s form obviously raises concerns about its sound quality compared with the terrific demos we’ve heard of Sony’s Wedge models, we can imagine at least a few people preferring the 50W829’s far sleeker design purely because it takes up so much less room.
Stunning motion resolution
Motion picture resolution is also excellent. The screen sports the XR800 iteration of Motionflow and in the majority of modes (Clear, Clear Plus and Impulse) we measured near full moving picture resolution without undue motion artefacts. This makes the KDL-50W829 a superb screen for watching sports.
The screen’s edge-lit backlight is surprisingly effective, with no glaring pools of light evident during general viewing. Also clearly improved over last year’s W8 models is off-axis viewing. There’s no longer a pronounced drop in contrast and colour intensity when you view the TV at an extreme angle. This is down to a change in panel supplier. The move is probably also responsible for improvements in black level.
Sony 50W829: Set Up
Once you’ve spotted the 50W829’s set up menu, it provides a pretty decent suite of calibration tools. Or at least it does once you’ve also figured out that to access the full set of controls on offer you’ll likely need to hit the Options key, enter the Scene Select menu and select the General option! Otherwise the TV uses its X-Reality Pro database to automatically apply a set of picture settings to what you’re watching, only offering a relatively limited degree of adjustment.
To be fair, while this sort of ‘interference’ by Sony sounds a bit annoying on paper, it actually turns out to be pretty cool in reality for the simple reason that the various presets Sony has defined are way more useful and thoughtfully calibrated than those you get with most rival TVs. Particularly brilliant is the way all noise reduction, detail enhancement and edge enhancement processing is automatically turned off when a Blu-ray source is detected. Rival brands take note.
If you select the ‘General’ scene option the full suite of tools that opens up includes backlight adjustment, standard and MPEG noise reduction, Resolution/Noise Filtering/Smooth Gradation adjustments to the X-Reality engine, multiple settings for Sony’s MotionFlow engine, a dynamic contrast adjustment, gamma adjustment, white balance fine tuning, detail and edge enhancement, and a ‘skin naturaliser’ for calming ‘peaky’ skin tones.
The really great thing about the Sony 50W829, though, is that the core picture qualities of its panel and the Sony-devised presets are between them so strong that for most delving deep into the picture settings will likely not be necessary. There are only two pieces of advice worth giving here. First, we’d suggest you either turn off the MotionFlow system altogether if you hate such systems on principle or are looking for the fastest response for gaming, or else you use the TrueCinema Motionflow mode, which is actually one of the most natural, most artefact-free judder-taming processing systems we’ve encountered.
Second, when watching 3D set the glasses brightness to Low for reasons we’ll get into later.
One last point to mention here is the inclusion on the 50W829 of a new Cinema 2 preset. This is based on the Cinema 1 mode designed in conjunction with Sony Pictures to deliver a relatively accurate ‘flat’ picture, but it extends the dynamic range in a bid to reintroduce the brightness that’s lost when video is compressed for mastering.
How we test televisions
We test every TV we review thoroughly over an extended period of time. We use industry standard tests to compare features properly. We’ll always tell you what we find. We never, ever, accept money to review a product.
Used as the main TV for the review period
Tested for more than a week
Tested using industry calibrated tools, discs and with real world use
Tested with broadcast content (HD/SD), video streams and demo discs
Active 3D
This 50W829B is an active 3D set, and Sony has helpfully included two pairs of active 3D glasses in the box.
With stunning space drama Gravity on Blu-ray 3D, the picture remains bright and punchy, all the while delivering convincing blacks and good detail despite the expected dimming.
There’s a hint of image instability at times, but overall the motion remains decent, and there’s a dramatic sense of depth to the picture.
While it’s not immediately taxing on the eyes (the glasses fit well and are comfortable), we did find our eyes getting weary over time.
Of course, personal preferences for active or passive (or even 3D at all) will prevail, but for those that want it, Sony’s active 3D is worth pursuing.
What is the Sony KDL-50W829?
The Sony 50W829 is the first TV from Sony’s 2014 TV range. Perhaps surprisingly under the circumstances it’s not one of the brand’s new flagship models, boasting neither native 4K resolution nor Sony’s impressive Triluminos colour technology. It does stretch to 3D and Sony’s perennially impressive X-Reality Pro picture processing engine, though, as well as a new Bass Reflex speaker system, and the latest version of Sony’s Entertainment Network smart TV platform. Moreover, we rather like the fast Sony has chosen to highlight one of its more affordable TVs to start with. And having used it, we now understand why.
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Extra features
Among the innovations here is the ‘Live Football Mode’, which enhances the noise of the crowd to recreate the atmosphere of being in the stadium.
It does give a certain ambience, but the crowd noise is rather, well, noisy.
As well as activating surround sound, this setting switches the picture to ‘Sport’ mode, which means cranking up the contrast and motion processing until the picture looks rather too artificial.
The button also pulls up football-related videos from YouTube and a FIFA archive – a nice tie-in for the forthcoming World Cup.
‘Social View’ activates a ticker-tape Twitter feed at the bottom of the TV screen that displays multiple tweets relating to any keyword set, from ‘Oscars’ to ‘science’.
It’s one of the nicer Twitter integrations we’ve seen on a TV screen, and could be a fun feature if you like keeping up to date with all the gossip when watching live TV.
Revamped user interface
Actually, the big news here isn’t so much content as the user interface, which has been significantly revamped. Last year’s subtle interweaving of IP services within the main menu has been replaced by a dedicated screen of streaming services.
This rather apes what we’ve long seen from the likes of Samsung and LG. The new interface proves a little slow to respond though, which is indicative of base level processing.
More impressive is the brand’s new One Flick search and recommendation engine, which is easy to use and extremely powerful. A Discovery content bar of thumbnails revolves at the bottom of the screen, offering up curated highlights for TV, radio, YouTube and Sony’s own Video Unlimited movie streaming service, plus any bespoke searches you might instigate with keywords. As a recommendation tool it’s extremely compelling.
Picture quality
If there’s one aspect of the W8 that absolutely impresses, it’s picture quality. When it comes to fine detail, colour performance and dynamics, the W8 positively shines. Sony’s X-Reality PRO picture processor is fearsomely effective, here pulling an astonishing amount of fine detail from any attached source.
Heavyweight image manipulation often fails to distinguish image noise from real information, but that’s not the case here. X-Reality PRO pulls believable detail from textures and backgrounds without ever looking over-processed. This is processing alchemy of the highest order.
Sony KDL-50W829B 127 cm (50″) Full HD Smart TV Wi-Fi Black
The Sony KDL-50W829B TV is a model with a screen diagonal of 127 cm, a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, an aspect ratio of 16:9, 4 HDMI ports to connect a Blu-ray player, DVD, a game console, etc., 2 USB ports to connect an external hard drive, a Chromecast, a Bluetooth receiver etc., Ethernet port to connect to the internet via cable, internet connection via Wi-Fi, in addition to the rest of the features listed below.
Release date: 2014-03-16.
Exhibition | |
Brand | Sony |
Model | KDL-50W829B |
Aspect ratio | 16:9 |
HDMI ports | 4 |
USB supports | Yes |
Ethernet sockets | Yes |
USB ports | 2 |
Ultra slim TV | No |
Curved TV | No |
Size diagonal | 127 |
Resolution | 1920 x 1080 |
Colour | Black |
Image formats supported | JPG,MPO,RAW |
Audio formats supported | MP3,WAV,WMA |
No. of speakers | 2 |
Total speaker output | 16 |
Internet access | Yes |
Smart TV | Yes |
Wi-Fi | Yes |
Miracast screen mirroring support | Yes |
Power consumption standby | 0.5 |
Short description | Sony KDL-50W829B, 127 cm (50″), 1920 x 1080 pixels, 3D, Smart TV, Wi-Fi, Black |
Long description | Sony KDL-50W829B. Display diagonal: 127 cm (50″), Display resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels, HD type: Full HD, Screen shape: Flat. 3D. LED backlighting type: Dynamic Edge-LED. Smart TV. Motion interpolation frequency: 600 Hz, Motion interpolation technology: Motionflow XR, Native aspect ratio: 16:9. Digital signal format system: DVB-C,DVB-S,DVB-S2,DVB-T,DVB-T2. Wi-Fi, Ethernet LAN. Product colour: Black |
Handheld remote control: | Yes |
Energy efficiency class: | A++ |
Screen format adjustments: | 14:9, Zoom |
Motion interpolation frequency: | 600 Hz |
Screen shape: | Flat |
Motion interpolation technology: | Motionflow XR |
Display resolution: | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Display diagonal (metric): | 125.7 cm |
Supported video modes: | 1080i,1080p,480i,480p,576i,576p,720p |
Display diagonal: | 127 cm (50″) |
HD type: | Full HD () |
Viewing angle, horizontal: | 178° |
Viewing angle, vertical: | 178° |
Native aspect ratio: | 16:9 |
Contrast ratio (dynamic): | 1000000:1 |
LED backlighting type: | Dynamic Edge-LED |
Audio | |
RMS rated power: | 16 W |
Number of speakers: | 2 |
Audio system: | S-Master |
Audio decoding technologies: | Dolby Digital Plus,Dolby Pulse |
Audio decoders: | Dolby Digital |
TV tuner | |
Tuner type: | Analog & digital |
Digital signal format system: | DVB-C,DVB-S,DVB-S2,DVB-T,DVB-T2 |
Ports and Interfaces | |
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports: | 1 |
DVI port: | No |
Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL): | Yes |
HDMI ports quantity: | 4 () |
Headphone outputs: | 1 |
Digital audio optical out: | 1 |
Component video (YPbPr/YCbCr) in: | 1 |
PC in (D-Sub): | No |
USB 2.0 ports quantity: | 2 () |
Consumer Electronics Control (CEC): | BRAVIA Sync |
Composite video in: | 1 |
Audio (L/R) in: | 2 |
Common interface Plus (CI+): | Yes |
CardBus PCMCIA slots quantity: | 1 |
Audio Return Channel (ARC): | Yes |
RF ports quantity: | 1 |
SCART ports quantity: | 1 |
Energy monitoring | |
Power consumption (max): | 100 W |
Power consumption (typical): | 51 W |
Power consumption (standby): | 0.5 W |
Weight and measurements | |
Width (without stand): | 111.6 cm |
Weight (with stand): | 14.8 kg |
Weight (without stand): | 13.6 kg |
Width (with stand): | 1116 mm |
Height (without stand): | 65.6 cm |
Height (with stand): | 693 mm |
Depth (with stand): | 179 mm |
Depth (without stand): | 6.4 cm |
Connection | |
Wi-Fi Direct: | Yes |
Wi-Fi: | Y () |
Ethernet LAN: | Y () |
Browsing: | Yes |
Management Features | |
Sleep timer: | Yes |
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG): | Yes |
Basic hotel mode: | Yes |
On Screen Display (OSD): | Yes |
Other features | |
Interactive TV: | Yes |
3D type: | Passive |
Batteries included: | Yes |
Built-in speaker(s): | Yes |
3D glasses quantity: | 2 |
Deep colour support: | Yes |
Annual energy consumption: | 71 kWh |
Picture-and-Picture: | Yes |
3D glasses included: | Yes |
3D: | Yes |
Near Field Communication (NFC): | Yes |
Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) certified: | Yes |
Energy efficiency class (old): | A++ |
Wi-Fi ready: | Yes |
Design | |
Product colour: | Black |
VESA mounting: | Y () |
Heavy metals free: | Hg (mercury) |
Performance | |
Teletext function: | Yes |
Ambient light sensor: | Yes |
Video formats supported: | AVCHD,AVI,M-JPEG,MKV,MOV,MP4,MPEG1,MPEG2,TS,WEBM,WMV,XVID |
Image formats supported: | JPG,MPO,RAW |
24p support: | Yes |
Teletext: | 2000 pages |
Audio formats supported: | MP3,WAV,WMA |
Parental control: | Yes |
Game mode: | Yes |
Smart TV | |
Smart TV: | Y () |
Smart modes: | Game, Movie, Music, Sports, Standard |
Lifestyle apps: | Skype |
Internet TV: | Yes |
Packaging | |
Quick start guide: | Yes |
Cables included: | AC |
Desktop stand: | Yes |
Mounting kit: | Yes |
Manual: | Yes |
Remote control included: | Yes |