Lg 55la740v review

Lg 55uj740v и его отличие от lg 55uj655v

2D picture quality

The 55LA740’s pictures are immediately engaging. Its picture presets are on the whole very good, especially the ISF or movie modes which are quite accurate right out of the box.

Colours are bold and strong, something that’s helped along by the panel’s inherent high brightness levels. Brightly lit, outdoors scenes in movies look especially rich and lush, for example, and HD pictures are very sharp, as it teases out every last detail from 1080p sources.

As with any LED screen, there is some motion blur if you leave all the motion processing turned off. The set’s 800Hz motion processing engine is reasonably good, however, and if you use the de-blur setting at its lower range you can get rid of most of this without making its images look artificial. As with all these systems, though, if you crank up the de-blur and de-judder sliders too much, you start to see tearing on the edges of large objects when they’re moving about on the screen.

As it uses an IPS panel, I had expected the set’s viewing angles to be a little wider than most sets that use VA panels, such as many of Sony’s models. This isn’t really the case — its pictures suffer from shifts in contrast when you’re viewing them off-axis from a wider angle to the left or right of the screen.

The TV’s is a good performer in bright rooms, but it’s less impressive in darker environments.

Calling the local dimming into play does improve matters to some degree. But blacks still aren’t as convincingly deep as I’d like and there are times when the local dimming crushes some shadow detail in these types of scenes, especially if the picture is mostly dark with some smaller, brighter elements.

There also seems to be a drop-off in contrast performance when it’s working with standard-definition channels, giving these sources a slightly murkier look. Not ideal.

LG 55LA740V – Two Remote Action

As is the fashion with Smart TVs this year, the 55LA740V ships with two remote controls: a standard one, and a ‘magic’ one that streamlines the button count hugely, includes a mic for voice interaction with the TV, and allows you to manipulate an onscreen cursor just by pointing the remote at the screen.

This isn’t the first magic remote we’ve seen from LG, but it’s easily the best, making the whole smart experience much simpler and more intuitive than anything we’ve seen from any rival brand to date.

LG’s voice control system isn’t bad meanwhile, recognising your words accurately and arguably benefitting from not being quite as ambitious in its scope as Samsung’s latest system.

Design and connections

The 55LA740 really is a cracking looking telly. It has a beautiful ribbon stand that elegantly holds the TV aloft and while it doesn’t swivel in the traditional sense, it has small rollers on the bottom that allows you to easily move the TV from side to side. These have an integrated mechanism that locks them once they go past a certain number of revolutions, so there’s no fear of your TV sliding off its stand.

The set also had an ultra slim bezel and narrow chassis, so it looks very modern and stylish and I really liked the ribbed, chrome effect that LG has added around the outer edge of the frame. All in all, it’s a very classy package.

Annoyingly, though, it only comes with three HDMI ports. I really think any set over 32 inches in size should now include four HDMI ports as standard, simply due to the number of different bits of HDMI kit that we hook up to our TVs in this day and age, including set-top boxes and games consoles. In the other connectivity areas it’s well specified, though.

There are only three HDMI ports available, whereas most other 55-inch models offer four of these ports.


LG is very much at the top table now when it comes to TV design, and this trend extends confidently down to its latest mid-range model. As we would expect given current trends, the LG 55LA740V’s bezel is extremely thin, and gains extra style points for the way it stands proud of the rear.

The television’s stand is also highly striking with its unusual ‘inverted arch’ shape, metallic finish and open frame design.

There’s a slight disappointment on the rear, though, where a search uncovers only three HDMI ports when we would ideally like to find four these days. This is quite a surprise on an LG TV, since the Korean brand can usually be depended on to offer more features and connections than average, rather than fewer.

The TV does, though, offer extensive multimedia playback via three USB ports and Wi-Fi-enabled DLNA network playback, and it enables you to go online with LG’s latest smart TV service.

This service quickly turns out to be one of the best in the current smart TV world for two reasons. First, its interface is hugely impressive, thanks to its on-screen layout and Magic Remote handset — more on these in the Usability section.

Second, its neat folder-style menu system hosts a huge array of apps, taking in everything from games and information to those most important of online TV services, the video streaming platforms.

TV and film highlights are Netflix, Lovefilm, BBC iPlayer, Blinkbox, BBC Sport, YouTube and KnowHow Movies. This is a fair selection of big hitters, but it’s impossible to ignore the absence of other catch-up TV services such as 4OD, ITV Player and Demand 5 — services that are all found on the latest smart TV platform from LG’s arch-rival, Samsung.

But LG has done a better job than Samsung of delivering a good iOS and Android control app for its latest TVs, offering a good interface, lots of integrated functionality (versus the piecemeal approach of Samsung’s control app) and a strong array of features.

As usual with an LG TV, the LG 55LA740V is endorsed by the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF), which means that as well as a couple of ISF picture preset slots that an ISF-certified engineer could use for professionally calibrating day and night modes, you get a truly expansive suite of picture tweaks.

There’s colour management, gamma management, white balance adjustments, contrast boosters, sharpness boosters, noise reduction systems — the list of options really is huge.

Some of these features are more useful than others — the sharpness booster and noise reduction features at the very least need to be treated with extreme care if not ignored altogether when watching HD sources if you don’t want them to actually make pictures worse rather than better.

Overall, though, you’ve got everything you need to give images believable, ‘industry standard’ colours if that’s your thing, or extreme levels of vibrancy and punch if you prefer that.

The panel at the LG 55LA740V’s heart is a Full HD affair, as is almost standard these days, and it’s illuminated by an edge LED lighting array bolstered by a local dimming system, whereby sectors of the LEDs can have their brightness levels set individually, to bolster images’ potential black level response and contrast.

The panel is also, of course, one of LG’s passive 3D types, with no less than six pairs of cheap passive glasses included with the TV (four 3D, two for enabling two users to enjoy simultaneous full-screen gaming).

3D picture quality

Like all of LG’s 3D LED TVs, this one relies on the passive 3D system the company invented. It splits the picture in half, sending alternative lines in the image to your left and right eyes when you’re wearing the light and comfortable passive glasses.

This does reduce the resolution, so you’re not seeing Full HD 3D pictures in the way that you do on active 3D TVs. The difference in resolution isn’t hugely apparent — you can only really tell by looking out for slightly jagged lines on the edges of some objects, which are admittedly a little easier to spot on this large 55-inch model than on smaller passive 3D TVs.

The TV comes with four pairs of passive 3D specs.

The 55LA740’s 3D pictures are bright and punchy and suffer from almost no crosstalk, so they’re very engaging to watch and as the glasses don’t flicker they’re not tiring on your eyes in the way active 3D TVs can sometimes be.

To avoid motion blur in 3D, you really do need the set’s motion processing turned on — panning shots, such as the start of the opening sequence in Hugo can look smeary with it off. Setting the de-blur control to ‘2’ got rid of much of this, though, and on he whole, this is a very enjoyable set to use for watching 3D movies.

LG 55UJ655V особенности

Модель LG 55UJ655V является 55-дюймовой 4K UHD ТВ от LG 2017 года. Серия LG UJ655V позиционирует на рынке как модель нижнего уровня из 6 серии LG. Телевизор LG 55UJ655 построен с применением IPS матрицы с возможностью масштабировать контент до 4K разрешения. Матрица IPS способна передавать точные изображения при больших углах обзора, в то время как 4K UpScaler обеспечивает 4K изображение при «низких» входных форматах контента.

Точная цветопередача обеспечивается технологией «True Color Accuracy» в LG UJ655V. Поддержка HDR в телевизоре LG 55UJ655V обеспечена наличием Active HDR, но фактически поддерживается один стандарт HDR10 (HLG не берем в счет). Динамика изображения в LG 55UJ655 подвержена обработке «TruMotion 120». Хотя частота матрицы 60 Гц, но LG 4K LED ТВ плавность изображения на нормальном уровне.

Серия UJ655 в качестве платформы Smart TV использует операционную систему WebOS 3.5. Система webOS 3.5 предоставляет пользователю отличные развлечения для дома, такие как фильмы онлайн, спортивные мероприятия, музыку и прочее. Серия оснащена встроенным адаптером Wi-Fi стандарта 802.11ac для простоты подключения к домашней сети и интернет. Все аналогично линейке LG UJ630V, поэтому не будем на ней задерживаться.

Отличия LG 55UJ740V и LG 55UJ655V

Чтобы понять разницу между телевизорами LG 55UJ740V и LG 55UJ655V стоит обратиться к таблице. В ней мы кратко перечислим ключевые характеристики LG 55UJ740V и 55UJ655V для удобства сравнения.

  LG 55UJ740V LG 55UJ655V
Выход на рынок Февраль 2017 Февраль 2017
Размер диагонали 55 дюймов 55 дюймов
Технология матрицы LED LED
Разрешение 4K UHD 4K UHD
Матрица IPS Да Да
Апскейлинг 4K Да Да
Расширенная цветовая гамма Да Нет
Технология True Color Accuracy Да Да
Технология Local Dimming Да Нет
Технология Ultra Luminance Да Нет
Тип HDR Active HDR Active HDR
Поддержка HDR Dolby Vision, HDR10, HLG HDR10, HLG
Операционная система WebOS 3.5 WebOS 3.5
Изображение 3D Нет Нет
Пульт ДУ Пульт Magic Стандартный
Звуковая система 2CH, 20 Вт, Ultra Surround 2CH, 20 Вт, Ultra Surround
Адаптер Wi-Fi 802.11ac 802.11ac
HDMI/ USB порты 4 / 2 4 / 2

После просмотра таблицы можно обнаружить, что между LG 55UJ740V и LG 55UJ655V не так много различий. Основная разница заключается в технологии обработки изображения и управлением через ПДУ. Модель LG 55UJ740V имеет в спецификации поддержку расширенной цветовой гаммы, локальное затемнение матрицы и технологию «Ultra Luminance», что дает этой серии быть на одну ступеньку выше.

При помощи «Wider Color Gamut» можно наслаждаться более насыщенными цветами в LG 55UJ740V, в то время как «Ultra Luminance» и локальное затемнение обеспечивают более контрастное изображение. Различие и в поддержке HDR. Пульт управления LG 55UJ740V в комплекте идет с поддержкой голосовых команд и управление webOS становится проще и удобнее. В серии LG UJ655V комплект обделен «умным» пультом — тут просто стандартный ПДУ. Ценовая разница заключается в том, что LG 55UJ740V будет на $200 дороже LG 55UJ655V.

Итоги обзора LG UJ740V

В заключение обзора UJ740V от LG можно подвести итог и выбрать определенную модель из двух претендентов. LG 55UJ740V — телевизор более продвинутый по сравнению с LG 55UJ655V, хотя бы тем, что обработка изображения происходит другой технологией. Модель LG 55UJ740V способна покрыть расширенный цветовой диапазон благодаря «Ultra Luminance» и «Local Dimming».

В серии LG UJ740V расширена поддержка HDR. В LG UJ740V можно наслаждаться прекрасной функцией голосового управления, так как в коробке «умный» пульт ДУ. Если вы предпочитаете лучшие цвета на экране и удобное управление, то выбор очевиден — это телевизор LG 55UJ740V, но при чуть больших затратах.

Телевизор LG 55UJ655V из базовой 6 серии LG 2017 года. Конечно, все понимают, что большое количество поддерживаемых стандартов — это прерогатива продвинутых и дорогих моделей 4К телевизоров, но для 6 серии LG и этого будет достаточно. Да, пусть серия UJ655V не поставляется с умным пультом ДУ, но его можно всегда приобрести отдельно, и ваш LG 55UJ655V полноценно будет выполнять «все ваши прихоти». Со стандартным пультом вы также можете управлять устройством без каких-либо проблем. Поэтому, если у вас ограниченный бюджет, то смотрим в сторону телевизора LG 55UJ655V, и это будет также хороший вариант.

LG 55LA740V – 3D Features

As ever with LG’s LCD TVs, the 55LA740V uses a passive 3D system, in this case supported by four pairs of (rather scarily coloured) passive 3D glasses and two further pairs of glasses for the TV’s dual gaming feature, where two users can enjoy full screen gaming from the TV simultaneously. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of the passive 3D format later.

As noted earlier, the full HD panel at the 55LA740V’s heart is illuminated by edge LEDs enhanced by a local dimming system so segments of the LED’s can be controlled individually to deliver an enhanced contrast.

How we test televisions

We test every TV we review thoroughly over an extended period of time. We use industry standard tests to compare features properly. We’ll always tell you what we find. We never, ever, accept money to review a product.

Used as the main TV for the review period

Tested for more than a week

Tested using industry calibrated tools, discs and with real world use

Tested with broadcast content (HD/SD), video streams and demo discs

Digital media and Internet features

As with most of today’s smart TV systems, LG’s is based around a home screen. By default this has five panels across the top as well as a further banner of icons at the bottom of the screen.

The first top panel shows the most popular smart TV apps, including BBC iPlayer and Netflix, while the second displays some content from LG’s 3D streaming service, 3D World. Next to this you’ll find the panel for the Smart World store, which essentially shows the best of the lower-profile apps available in the TV’s app store.

There’s also a Game World panel that displays some of the top games available for the TV, while the last panel shows content you’ve shared to it from your computer or smart phone. Meanwhile, a banner at the bottom of the screen gives you quick access to stuff such as the AV inputs list, TV guide and Internet browser.

The interface is, on the whole, pretty good. It looks colourful and inviting, with crisp graphics used on the icons and transitions between different panels and screens. Navigating around it is also speedy, especially if you use LG’s excellent motion remote control, which is supplied along with the normal zapper.

The line-up of smart TV apps isn’t bad. Along with BBC iPlayer, it also has Lovefilm and Netflix onboard. There are also apps for Facebook and Twitter, as well as premium movie rental services like KnowHow film.

The media player integrated into the smart TV system works reasonably well, playing common formats such as KMV, MP4 and Xvid. As on Samsung TVs, the fast-forward and rewind controls don’t work if you’re streaming files across a network, only work when you’re playing files from USB drives. It’s a tiny thing, but it drives me nuts every time.

You can now add your own panels to the home screen.

As with LG’s other mid- and high-end TVs this year, this model supports Miracast, so you can mirror the screen from compatible Android smart phones and tablets to the TV. The results can be mixed though, as there tends to be a fair bit of lag between the two devices and media streaming — especially HD streams — tend to stutter.

LG 55LA740S TV 139.7 cm (55″) Full HD Smart TV Wi-Fi Black

The LG 55LA740S TV is a model with a screen diagonal of 139.7 cm, a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, an aspect ratio of 16:9, 3 HDMI ports to connect a Blu-ray player, DVD, a game console, etc., 3 USB ports to connect an external hard drive, a Chromecast, a Bluetooth receiver etc., Ethernet port to connect to the internet via cable, internet connection via Wi-Fi, in addition to the rest of the features listed below.

Release date: 2013-03-24.

Brand LG
Model 55LA740S
Aspect ratio 16:9
HDMI ports 3
USB supports Yes
Ethernet sockets Yes
USB ports 3
Ultra slim TV No
Curved TV No
Size diagonal 139.7
Resolution 1920 x 1080
Colour Black
Image formats supported JPG,JPS,MPO
Video formats supported DIVX
Audio formats supported AAC,AC3,MP3,PCM
No. of speakers 3
Total speaker output 34
Smart TV Yes
Wi-Fi Yes
Miracast screen mirroring support Yes
Short description LG 55LA740S, 139.7 cm (55″), 1920 x 1080 pixels, 3D, Smart TV, Wi-Fi, Black
Long description LG 55LA740S. Display diagonal: 139.7 cm (55″), Display resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels, HD type: Full HD. 3D. Smart TV. Motion interpolation technology: MCI (Motion Clarity Index) 800, Native aspect ratio: 16:9. Digital signal format system: DVB-C,DVB-S2. Wi-Fi, Ethernet LAN. Product colour: Black
HD type: Full HD ()
Display resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels
Native aspect ratio: 16:9
Motion interpolation technology: MCI (Motion Clarity Index) 800
Screen format adjustments: 4:3, 14:9, 16:9, Zoom
Supported video modes: 1080p
Supported graphics resolutions: 1920 x 1080 (HD 1080)
Display diagonal: 139.7 cm (55″)
Built-in subwoofer: Yes
RMS rated power: 34 W
Number of speakers: 3
TV tuner
Digital signal format system: DVB-C,DVB-S2
Tuner type: Analog & digital
Ports and Interfaces
DVI port: No
HDMI ports quantity: 3 ()
PC in (D-Sub): No
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports: 1
USB 2.0 ports quantity: 3 ()
Headphone outputs: 1
Common interface (CI): No
HDMI version: 1.4
RF ports quantity: 2
Component video (YPbPr/YCbCr) in: 1
PC Audio in: Yes
Digital audio optical out: 1
SCART ports quantity: 1
Common interface Plus (CI+): Yes
Intel Wireless Display (Intel WiDi): Yes
Weight and measurements
Depth (without stand): 3.47 cm
Height (with stand): 796 mm
Depth (with stand): 316 mm
Width (with stand): 1233 mm
Weight (with stand): 22.8 kg
Width (without stand): 123.3 cm
Height (without stand): 72.3 cm
Weight (without stand): 20 kg
Ethernet LAN: Y ()
Wi-Fi: Y ()
Management Features
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG): Yes
On Screen Display (OSD): Yes
Number of OSD languages: 36
Sleep timer: Yes
Other features
3D: Yes
3D glasses included: Yes
3D glasses quantity: 6
Energy efficiency class (old): A+
Built-in speaker(s): Yes
2D-3D converter: Yes
Supported 3D technologies: LG Cinema 3D
Annual energy consumption: 122.64 kWh
Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) certified: Yes
Product colour: Black
VESA mounting: Y ()
On/off switch: Yes
Panel mounting interface: 400 x 400 mm
Smartphone remote support: Yes
Parental control: Yes
24p support: Yes
Image formats supported: JPG,JPS,MPO
Audio formats supported: AAC,AC3,MP3,PCM
Video formats supported: DivX
Teletext function: Yes
Teletext: 2000 pages
Smart TV
Lifestyle apps: Skype
Smart TV: Y ()
Manual: Yes
Quick start guide: Yes
Remote control included: Yes
Cables included: AC
Desktop stand: Yes

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Это отчасти зависит от личных предпочтений каждого, но в качестве общего правила оптимальным расстоянием до экрана считается размер диагонали экрана, умноженный на 3. Для телевизора с диагональю 60 дюймов (152 см) оптимальным расстоянием до экрана будет 180 дюймов, или около 4,5 м.Это было полезно (264)

Как правильно очистить светодиодный телевизор? Проверенный
Выключите телевизор и сотрите пыль и грязь с экрана салфеткой из микрофибры. Не используйте бумагу, это может вызвать царапины. Не нажимайте слишком сильно, иначе вы можете повредить пиксели. Используйте специальное моющее средство или приготовьте его, смешав 1 часть уксуса с 1 частью воды. Смочите ткань в моющем средстве и очистите экран. Убедитесь, что ткань не слишком влажная. Пятна удаляйте вращательными движениями. Вытрите экран второй тканью из микрофибры, чтобы не было полос.Это было полезно (263)

LG 55LA740V – Smart Interface

The 55LA740V’s Smart onscreen interface is extremely attractive, using a series of ‘cards’ to provide shortcut links to preferred content, supporting multiple user profiles for different household members and easily letting you establish via a simple drag and drop approach your own content link ‘cards’.

The smart TV service is reasonably well populated with content too, including such video streaming big hitters as LoveFilm, Netflix, the BBC iPlayer, BlinkBox, BBC Sport, YouTube, and Knowhow Movies. It’s a pity, though, that LG doesn’t currently also cover 4oD, Demand 5 and the ITV Player, like Samsung does.

Add to all this an Android/iOS app which includes sharing of what you’re watching on the TV with your smart device; NFC device syncing; multimedia streaming from DLNA devices; and MiraCast support, and you’ve clearly got a TV that’s keen to become the heart of your extended entertainment network.

User interface and TV guide

While other makers have given their menus and smart TV systems a complete overhaul this year, LG has instead just tinkered around the edges, adding a couple of new features.

The general settings menu remains pretty much untouched, but as it was good to begin with, this is far from a negative statement. In fact, LG’s settings menus are well thought-out and sensibly structured, so it’s fast and easy to adjust the settings you need to get at.

The picture menu allows you to tweak almost every element of the picture, and includes a full colour-management system. As with last year’s models, this one has a very user-friendly picture wizard integrated into the settings menu that can help even novices properly setup their TV. Unlike the one on Philips TVs, it actually produces very good results too.

The smart TV system has had a few tweaks here and there, but for the most part it hasn’t changed much from the system LG was using last year. It’s still based around a homescreen from where you can access all the TV’s various features, but LG has added a few extras, including the ability to create custom panels to give you quick access to your most used apps.

LG’s guide is much more basic than those on most other TVs.

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